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Red List of crops On farm management

Red list of endangered native crops in Germany

Search results

Displaying results 51 to 60 out of 2616.
Botanical name Common name Variety name Synonyme Link to the accession Link to the current variety description
Arrhenatherum elatius - Kutzlebener - - -
Asparagus officinalis - Schneekopf - - -
Asparagus officinalis - Spaganiva - - -
Asparagus officinalis - Start - - -
Asparagus officinalis - Ruhm von Braunschweig - - -
Asparagus officinalis - Schwetzinger Meisterschuß - - -
Astragalus boeticus - Kaffeewicke - - -
Atriplex hortensis - Gelbe Gartenmelde - - -
Atriplex hortensis - Gartenmelde - - -
Atriplex hortensis - Grüne Gartenmelde - - -