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List of priority wild plants for food and agriculture Exemplary profile In situ occurrences

Profile for: Mentha arvensis L. - Acker-Minze

Taxonomic information

botanical name:
Mentha arvensis L.
Common Name:
Botanical name of the related crop:
Mentha aquatica L. var. citrata;Mentha arvensis L.;Mentha spicata L.

Endangerment status

Currently no Picture available
IUCN Red List category:
Least Concern
Assessment year - IUCN:
Assessment level RLASSLEV:
National Red List category:
least concern
Assessment reference:
Ludwig & Schnittler (1996): Rote Liste der Pflanzen in Deutschland
National Red List authority:
Bundesamt für Naturschutz
Assessment year -national Red List:

Breeding relevance

Concept level used to describe relationship with crop:
Secondary genepool
Concept reference:
USDA, Agricultural Research Service, National Plant Germplasm System. 2018. Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN-Taxonomy).National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. URL: Accessed 12 October 2018.

Categories of protection

Species listed in the Natura 2000 directive:

Annex I of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Ressources for Food and Agriculture

Taxon belongs to crop or forage listed in Annex I: