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Ex situ collections


List of accessions

Displaying results 150811 to 150817 out of 150817.
Botanical name Common name Variety name / Accession name Accession number Part of the MLS
Glycine max (L.) Merr. convar. max var. nigra-lutescens (Skvortz.) Lehm. - Amurskaja SOJA 1347 No (not available under the MLS)
Agrostis vinealis Schreb. - - GR 7096 No (not available under the MLS)
Glycine max (L.) Merr. convar. intermedia var. rufo-lutescens (Tupik.) Lehm. - Amurskaja Zolotaja SOJA 1348 No (not available under the MLS)
Glycine max (L.) Merr. convar. grandifolia var. grandifolia (Tupik.) Lehm. - - SOJA 1353 No (not available under the MLS)
Holcus lanatus L. - - GR 7117 No (not available under the MLS)
Glycine max (L.) Merr. convar. max var. robusta (Skvortz.) Lehm. - Amurskaja 57 SOJA 1357 No (not available under the MLS)
Holcus lanatus L. - - GR 7118 No (not available under the MLS)