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Ex situ collections


List of accessions

Displaying results 150761 to 150770 out of 150817.
Botanical name Common name Variety name / Accession name Accession number Part of the MLS
Phaseolus vulgaris L. subsp. vulgaris var. vulgaris - - PHA 5550 Yes (available under the MLS)
Pisum sativum L. - X1/3870 PIS 7288 Yes (available under the MLS)
Secale sp. - STAMM BEHAART D R 2727 Yes (available under the MLS)
Secale sp. - TETRA-ROGGEN R 2729 Yes (available under the MLS)
Triticum aestivum L. var. lutescens (Alef.) Mansf. - Sr 9 b = Marquis x K 117 A TRI 11520 Yes (available under the MLS)
Triticum aestivum L. var. lutescens (Alef.) Mansf. - Sr 6 - K 58 x Marquis TRI 11519 Yes (available under the MLS)
Triticum aestivum L. var. wernerianum (Körn.) Mansf. - Sr Tt 1 = W 2691 x 2 Timver A TRI 11522 Yes (available under the MLS)
Triticum boeoticum Boiss. subsp. boeoticum var. symbolonense (Flaksb.) A.Filat. & Dorof. - - TRI 14262 Yes (available under the MLS)
Triticum boeoticum Boiss. subsp. boeoticum var. pseudoboeoticum (Flaksb.) A.Filat. & Dorof. - - TRI 14261 Yes (available under the MLS)
Triticum hybr. - - TRI 14266 Yes (available under the MLS)