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Ex situ collections


List of accessions

Displaying results 511 to 520 out of 546.
Botanical name Common name Variety name / Accession name Accession number Part of the MLS
Prunus domestica Linné - Löhrpflaume DEU610.062.SO333 -
Prunus domestica Linné - Lützelsachser Frühzwetsche DEU610.032.SO333 -
Prunus domestica Linné - Graf Althanns Reneklode DE658_Pf0034 -
Prunus domestica Linné - Flotows Mirabelle DE658_Pf0035 -
Prunus domestica Linné - Königspflaume von Tours DE658_Pf0044 -
Prunus domestica Linné - Drap d'Or d'Esperen DE658_Pf0046 -
Prunus domestica Linné - Cacaks Fruchtbare PF-RM 4.006 -
Prunus domestica Linné - Auerbacher P0005 -
Prunus domestica Linné - Frigga P0025 -
Prunus domestica Linné - Haganta P0040 -