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Ex situ collections


List of accessions

Displaying results 2641 to 2650 out of 2656.
Botanical name Common name Variety name / Accession name Accession number Part of the MLS
Rhynchospora alba - - DE-0-ROST-2014-W-5250 -
Erica carnea - - DE-0-THARF-*Pf1979/9 -
Erica carnea - - DE-0-THARF-*S1979/119 -
Ledum palustre - - DE-0-THARF-*Pf2001/799 -
Polygala chamaebuxus - - DE-0-THARF-*Pf1979/10 -
Vaccinium oxycoccos - - DE-0-THARF-*S2001/931 -
Anthriscus sylvestris subsp. stenophylla - - DE-0-TUEB-49 -
Anthriscus sylvestris subsp. stenophylla - - DE-0-TUEB-1415 -
Anthriscus sylvestris subsp. stenophylla - - DE-0-TUEB-54 -
Apium graveolens subsp. graveolens - - DE-0-TUEB-1027 -