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Ex situ collections


List of accessions

Displaying results 1031 to 1040 out of 1065.
Botanical name Common name Variety name / Accession name Accession number Part of the MLS
Pyrus communis Linné - Doppelte Philippsbirne BIR0089 -
Pyrus communis Linné - Eckehard BIR0022 -
Pyrus communis Linné - Oberösterreichische Weinbirne BIR0083 -
Pyrus communis Linné - Olivier de Serres BIR0084 -
Pyrus communis Linné - Packhams Triumph BIR0085 -
Pyrus communis Linné - Paggeleitschbirne BIR0086 -
Pyrus communis Linné - Pastorenbirne BIR0087 -
Pyrus communis Linné - Pierre Corneille BIR0090 -
Pyrus communis Linné - Präsident Drouard BIR0092 -
Pyrus communis Linné - Präsident Heron BIR0093 -