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Ex situ collections

In which German genebank is seed and planting material of a certain variety conserved? PGRDEU answers this question under "Ex situ collections".

Ex situ collections

PGRDEU includes the main documentation on ex situ collections of plant genetic resources in Germany. Ex situ conservation is defined as the conservation of components of biological diversity (e.g. cultivated plants) outside their natural habitats, for example genebanks.

The searchable data include taxonomic inforamtion as well as the country of origin, name and number of accessions and the conserving institution for more than 180,000 accessions (samples) from more than 3,000 crop and CWR species.

PGRDEU covers the following ex situ collections of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture:

Number of accessions : 118954

Documents for download

The internationally agreed specifications of the EURISCO exchange format are mainly based on the "Multi-Crop Passport Descriptor List" of FAO and Bioversity International:

Descriptors for uploading passport data to EURISCO