Which plant species are cultivated in Germany? Which wild plants are of current or potential importance for food and agriculture? PGRDEU provides the answer with the list of plant genetic resources.
Which of the native wild plants have significance for plant breeding? Where does the wild vine or wild celery grow? PGRDEU offers answers in the section "In situ occurrences".
Who carries out on-farm management in Germany? Where can I find seeds or planting materials of old varieties nearby? PGRDEU helps you with this search!
Many old varieties are conserved in genebanks or by conservation initiatives and sometimes find their way back into wider use. Variety descriptions that reveal characteristics relevant to their reintroduction are helpful in this process.
Which vegetable varieties were used between 1850 and 1950? How were these varieties described? Answers can be found in the database „Historical variety descriptions“.
Which varieties were once used on a larger scale in Germany, but then were abandoned or forgotten? The Red List of endangered native crops of Germany provides an overview.
How has the diversity of species and varieties in cultivation developed in Germany in recent decades? PGRDEU provides data and processed information on the status of plant genetic resources and changes in species and variety diversity over the past decades.