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Red List of crops On farm management

Red list of endangered native crops in Germany

Search results

Displaying results 2111 to 2120 out of 2615.
Botanical name Common name Variety name Synonyme Link to the accession Link to the current variety description
Pyrus communis - Madame Verte Besi de Caen - -
Pyrus communis - Margarete Marillat Marguerite Marillat - -
Pyrus communis - Marie Luise Marie Luise Duquesne, Marie Louise Nouvelle, Humboldts Butterbirne, Prinzessin von Parma - -
Pyrus communis - Marxenbirne Schwarzbirne, Spätler, Märxler - -
Pyrus communis - Metzer Bratbirne Spitzbirne, Brunnenbirne - -
Pyrus communis - Mollebusch Mouille-bouche, Mullebusch - -
Pyrus communis - Nägelesbirne Olivenbirne, Gsälzbirne, Hutzelbirne - -
Pyrus communis - Neue Poiteau Nouveaux Poiteau, Grüne Flaschenbirne, Coix d'un Amateur - -
Pyrus communis - Nordhäuser Winterforellenbirne Winterforelle, Nordhäuser forelle - -
Pyrus communis - Oberösterreichische Weinbirne Steirische Weinbirne, Speckbirne, Zitronengelbe Mostbirne - -